Genmai Cha Green Tea



Genmai Cha Green Tea

Enjoy the hearty and wholesome flavor of our Genmai Cha Green Tea, a blend of Bancha green tea and toasted tea rice. This tea is a traditional Japanese beverage that is low in caffeine and high in antioxidants. It is also a favorite tea served in San Francisco sushi restaurants. This is genuine Genmai Cha imported from Japan.

Our Genmai Cha Green Tea has a yellowish green color and a toasty, sweet, and vegetal aroma. The taste is vegetal, nutty, and hearty, with a mellow green tea flavor paired with the nuttiness of toasted rice. The tea has a smooth and satisfying mouthfeel and a pleasant aftertaste.

Health benefits:
It is rich in antioxidants, especially catechins, which can protect the cells from free radical damage and may lower the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer .
It may aid digestion and gut health, as the roasted brown rice is high in fiber and may stimulate bile production and nutrient absorption .
It may help with weight loss, as the green tea can boost metabolism and regulate blood sugar levels, and the roasted rice can suppress appetite .
It may improve brain function and mental health, as the green tea contains caffeine and theanine, which can enhance alertness, mood, and cognitive performance .

Brewing Instructions:
Use 1 teaspoon of tea leaves per 8 oz of water.
Heat water to a rolling boil or nearly boiling (200°F-212°F).
Steep the tea for 3 to 5 minutes, or longer depending on your taste preference.
Strain the tea and enjoy it plain or with your choice of sweetener and/or milk.

Try it with:
Lemon, honey, or mint for extra flavor and health benefits.
Mixing Genmai Cha Green Tea with other green teas, such as Sencha, Matcha, or Jasmine, for a more varied and complex blend.
Brewing a Genmai Cha Green Tea concentrate and using it to make iced tea.

Whether you prefer it hot or cold, our Genmai Cha Green Tea will delight your senses with its hearty and wholesome flavor.

1 unit   12 oz


Goes well with:

Hot-Tea Tablespoon:

Teapot Tea Infuser: